Resurrection Eggs

 Resurrection Eggs

Our son came home from school 10 days ago with this Easter project. A week before that, our Awana Sparks Director taught our clubbers about Easter using the resurrection eggs. That was my first time to learn about it. It is a great way to teach the kids about the real meaning of Easter. 

It started to rain right after our morning church service today so we chose to keep the kids at home, and guess what we did? Yes, we had fun hunting for the 12 eggs from our son's project.

Each egg was filled with an object which represents a verse or verses from the Bible telling about the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus. The goal is that as we open each one, we look up the verse/(s) in the Bible and have a small discussion; so that's what we did and shared a Kit Kat bar after. 😋
I think this is going to be a family tradition from now on.

If you want to make your own, below is a list of what's in the eggs. I went ahead and looked up the verses pertaining to each object and wrote them down for you. I'm not sure where our son's teacher got some of them, but if you can't find them, print a picture instead. 

  1. palm branches: The crowd praised Jesus and waved palm branches as He entered Jerusalem. (Mark 11:8-10)
  2. cup: Jesus ate the Passover meal with His disciples and explained that His blood would be shed for them. (Matthew 26:39)
  3. silver coin: Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. (Matthew 26:14-15)
  4. praying hands: Jesus and His disciples went to the garden and prayed. (Luke 22:40-42)
  5. crown of thorns: The Romans mocked Jesus and placed a crown of thorns on His head. (Matthew 27:29)
  6. leather: The soldiers whipped Jesus. (Mark 15:15)
  7. nail: Jesus was nailed to the cross to die for our sins. (Luke 23:33)
  8. dice: Soldiers gambled for His clothes. (Matthew 27:35)
  9. sword: Soldiers pierced His side to be sure He was dead, but did not break His bones as Scriptures foretold. (John 19:34)
  10. gauze: Jesus was wrapped for burial after He died. (Matthew 27:59)
  11. stone: A large stone was placed over the tomb and was guarded by soldiers. (Matthew 27:59-60)
  12. empty: The tomb where Jesus was laid was empty. Jesus rose from the dead! (Matthew 28:5-6)
Have a wonderful Easter! We serve a living God.


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